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A large majority of why I write is to converse with others. I do not write papers or poems or anything of that sort other than when I am assigned to. The only texts i choose to write on my own are emails and text messages. Prior coming to college I did not even have my own email, but since I started college email has become a huge part of my everyday life. I check my emails and send emails way more than I imagined I would have. Usually I use email for more formal communication, or in a somewhat professional situation As for texting, that is mostly between my friends and family and usually conversation type of text. Texting has been a big part of my life for quite some time now and I think many kids my age would agree with that. It is an easy way to converse with others, when you are unable to, or do not want to be with them in person. I would consider myself a people person, and would much rather talk face to face with someone, but texting is not a bad replacement. I do not write to express my feelings, or because I want my voice to be heard, or any reason like that. That’s just not the type of person I am. I do not necessarily dread writing assignments, but they are not my favorite either. I think it is important to be able to communicate via writing which is why english classes are important. However, I also think face to face communication is important and that is the style of communication I personally feel more comfortable with.To sum it all up, I choose to write simply for the convenience when not being able to talk face to face.

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