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Learning in the Library

Our experience in D.H Hill taught me a lot about the library i did not know. I thought the most beneficial part of our experience was seeing how to search research topics. In the future I will definitely use the library website to find information for research topics. The library website had convenient and easy to use filters and provides safe to use information. Also one feature I did not know the library had was they have every textbook for all courses free to rent for students. I will for sure use that in the future as well.

Students in the digital age definitely have their advantages and disadvantages. Our generation is constantly on the internet and being introduced to new technology. It seems impossible for me to think about going through college before the use of internet was as impactful as it is now. Some advantages are the convenience and amount of material you can find via the internet. Before the internet students would have to work from books which probably took much longer to read through rather than a specific article on your topic. The only real disadvantage I can think of is plagiarism. With all the information out there it is easy to use something without properly citing it or being allowed to use it. It is definitely easier now to be a researcher because of the vast amount of information we can find so easily. However, there is probably more extensive research expected from students because of how easily we should be able to find information and also because professors know more now than they did in the past.

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