The Digital Divide
Technology did not have a big impact on my childhood at all. I never really was a big fan of video games, I never had a cell phone, and I only had basic cable. I lived in a small neighborhood surrounded by friends my age. My brother is only a grade older so we had the same friends growing up. We played outside constantly with the other kids from the neighborhood kids and rarely spent time inside, let alone on video games or the computer. I was forced to take computer classes during elementary school, but that was just basic typing and microsoft word.
Eventually as technology developed more and more I had to start using it. I got my first phone right before high school, and more and more assignments had to be done online. I never really used my phone until senior year of high school when I switched to a smartphone and started getting into all the social media apps. I do think our generation has a problem now with being on our phones too much. I also am guilty of using my phone way more than I would like to, I think I waste too much of my time on social media especially. As for technology as a whole, it plays a huge part on my everyday life. Since college, I don’t think a day has gone where I haven’t spent at least two hours on my computer. Every single assignment I had had so far requires the use of a computer, and I absolutely hate it. I hate the fact I have to check six different websites to see what homework I have. I find it confusing and I would much rather be handed a physical piece of paper to do my homework on.
I know the use of technology is unavoidable now, and I do think it is a problem. However, I don’t think there is a problem for people using it too much, I think the problem is for people who don’t use it enough or don’t like to use it. It’s hard to find a good paying job that doesn’t require you to be on the computer all time or using some form of technology, our society has just reached that point. It does suck now for all the people who would rather not use technology, but I am sure the generations coming up who know nothing else will be okay with it.